An idea from Soma


          2) Why is this navigational help called a breadcrumb?

The term comes from the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale. When Hansel and Gretel went into the woods, Hansel dropped pieces of bread onto the ground so they could find their way home if they got lost. 
These breadcrumbs eventually became the model for the breadcrumbs we see on websites these days.


         3) Advantages of using breadcrumbs
There are several advantages to using breadcrumbs on your site. Let’s take a quick look at them:

  • Visitors like breadcrumbs, but Google does too. Breadcrumbs give Google another way of figuring out how your website is structured.
  • People hate being lost. When confronted with a new location, people often look around in search of recognizable objects or landmarks – and the same is true of websites. You need to keep visitors happy and reduce friction as much as possible.
  • Hardly anyone enters a site via the homepage — It’s all about organic search. That means any part of your site could be an entry point. You need to come up with a way to guide these visitors to other parts of your site if the selected page doesn’t meet their needs. Breadcrumbs can lower bounce rates because you’re offering visitors an alternative way to browse your site.


  • Shared on :11-04-2020

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