An idea from Soma

Snippets Dominate More Search Clicks

Google has evolved in recent years to deliver a better search experience for the user, like through Featured Snippets.

Featured Snippets usually appear above the number #1 organic result, commonly referred to as “Position 0.”

To take advantage of this feature and drive more clicks to your website, you need to provide clear answers to commonly asked questions on your website. Featured Snippets are evaluated and boosted to the top depending on their quality, which Google has a way of determining. Don’t take this trend lightly, as 54.68% of clicks from Google originate from Featured Snippets—proving that they drive more than half of search engine clicks.

Featured Snippets represent a great opportunity for content creators since it gives you the ability to generate more organic traffic even if you’re not ranking at the top number #1 position.

  • Shared on :15-04-2020

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